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Silly TLDs

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I’ve known there are a bunch of novel TLDs (top-level domains) since the first time I bought a domain, but I didn’t quite appreciate the extent of it until seeing

Porkbun TLDs
Porkbun TLDs
Porkbun TLDs

Lots of them are very specific—like .coffee or .cafe for a coffee shop—which I find very satisfying. But then some are downright goofy. I mean, .bob_ross?? There are 424 options on porkbun, by my count. I only screenshotted a small subset.

The history of TLDs is interesting. For example, I heard on a podcast (I can’t remember which episode, but that’s a great use of .fm) that Anguilla now has a pretty significant revenue stream from their .ai ending.

The most fun TLD I’ve actually used is I did own a .band domain at one point when my friend asked me to make a website for his band, but sadly he moved to LA and the band split up. Looking at these gets my wheels turning, though. I already have somewhat of a compulsive domain buying habit, so this makes things much harder. Like, I could move this very website to, or someone could build an interactive version of Where’s Waldo at wheres.waldo.

I love coming across uncommon TLDs, like,,,, and Another cool use case is endings that complete a name, like and

Let me know what cool TLDs you’re using or have seen in the wild!